Narcotics, psychotropic substances, and certain precursors thereof are generally listed as controlled substances, or scheduled compounds, and their manufacture, possession, and use are regulated by law. The United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (C61) was ratified by 186 countries and provides a framework for various national laws, including the Opium Act in the Netherlands, the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) in the USA, and the Finnish Narcotics Act in Finland. Internationally, a distinction is made between narcotics (Yellow List) and psychotropics (Green List). Interestingly, compounds listed as controlled in one country may not be controlled in another and vice versa.

Symeres sites have the necessary permits from their respective national authorities to work with controlled substances for research purposes. For example, our Dutch sites have permits for List I compounds; our site in Woburn, Massachusetts, in the USA has licenses (in both manufacturing and research) for Schedule 1–5 compounds; and our site in Oulu, Finland, has licenses for all compounds on various applicable schedules.
Under these permits, Symeres can buy, handle, synthesize, and ship controlled substances. The law stipulates that controlled substances must only be purchased from vendors with the appropriate permits in place, and only be shipped to parties with the appropriate permits for the importing and handling of controlled substances.
Therefore, Symeres offers essential services related to the analysis, synthesis, purification, and isolation of controlled substances and their analogues. These services ensure compliance with regulations and are easily integrated into your project needs.
Working with controlled substances in the drug discovery and development field opens opportunities for innovative treatments, addresses unmet medical needs, and demands a high level of regulatory and scientific expertise.
If you have any questions or needs related to controlled substances, please reach out to Symeres.