After months of dedication and collaboration, the official opening of the Marie Curie building at the Pivot Park in Oss was opened on Sep 19th, 2024. The Marie Curie building is a multitenant laboratory building which houses Oncolines B.V., the in vitro biology services laboratory of Symeres. The day kicked off with an inspiring keynote speech from Hans Schikan, followed by a dynamic panel discussion where Constantijn Van Oranje-Nassau, Prince of the Netherlands and representatives of the City of Oss, the Province of Noord-Brabant and Pivot Park shared their insights about biopharma and regional and world economics. Guests got the chance to get an exclusive company tour, where Frank den Brok, vice mayor of the City of Oss, and Martijn Gruijthuisen, Minister of Economic Affairs of the Province of Noord-Brabant, took to chance to get an exclusive tour at the Oncolines laboratories and offices, offering a glimpse into the future of personalized medicine and cancer immunotherapy. The day concluded with an official ceremony and a celebratory reception.
Photos by Elize Bloks